Cosmetic Acupuncture

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Cosmetic Acupuncture

About Cosmetic Acupuncture

TREATMENTS_CosmeticAcupuncture_FacialRejuvenation_B - Copy.jpgFacial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a non-surgical technique used to reduce the signs of aging.  It is more than a cosmetic procedure because it is designed to rejuvenate and revitalize your whole body. You will not only see the years melt away on your face but you will also feel younger as well.

Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture can effectively treat fine lines and wrinkles, bags under the eyes, droopy eyelids, acne, scars, and loose sagging skin in neck and jowls.  The result is softer, smoother appearance as well as increased collagen production, muscle tone and tightening of the pores.  After just a few treatments of facial rejuvenation acupuncture, five to fifteen years may be erased from the face.

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Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine. Special points are selected along the channels or meridians of energy called QI (Chi).  When these points are activated they can change the energy flow within the body to initiate the healing process.

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Your First Appointment

TREATMENTS_CosmeticAcupuncture_FacialRejuvenation_C - Copy.jpgEach treatment lasts 90 min and is part of at least 10 treatments bi-weekly for the best result.  Maintenance sessions are scheduled according to the individual's needs after the initial series.  You may see changes as soon as the first treatment, but each succeeding treatment builds on the last so it is important not to miss any of the initial 12 treatments to get the most benefit.

Each treatment will include facial massage or GUA SHA, Herbal facial masks, needling, LED light therapy (increase collagen production), ultrasound or/and microcurrent procedure.

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