Why I feel tired and sleepy?

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Why I feel tired and sleepy?
Written By: Dr. Tatyana ~ 1/23/2023


During the winter, it is natural to feel a little sleepier, slower, and possibly less motivated. It’s the season of stillness and conservation. We can say it is a period of hibernation and our time to rest, slow down and revitalize our reserves. Winter is a great time of year to reflect on our health, replenish our energy, conserve our strength, and heal on a deeper level.

According to the traditional theories of the Five Elements of nature, Water is the element that is associated with Winter and with the Kidneys, Bladder and Adrenal Glands. Our Kidneys are extremely important organs that have various functions–the main one is that they store our inherited constitution, also known as our Source Energy or Jing Qi. Consider it your body’s internal battery.

According to Chinese Medicine, our internal Kidney batteries are powered up with a supply of energy that will carry and sustain each of us throughout our lives. This power supply is imparted to us from our parents and provides us with the energy for all our bodily functions.

It is believed that every action we take depletes energy from this power supply. Some people quickly deplete their Jing Qi; others preserve it. Jing Qi is finite, so if not protected, it will be easily wasted and eventually, when it becomes depleted, various symptoms and signs may appear.

During the winter, it is important to conserve our battery reserves. Our bodies are instinctively expressing the fundamental principles of winter–rest, reflection, conservation, and storage. The “downtime” that winter provides, gives us an opportunity to slow down, check in, take account as to how our lifestyle supports or detracts from our health, and to recharge our battery.

As for getting some exercise, it is always healthy to get some form of it daily, but during the winter months, it is best to participate in gentler, less exerting exercise, such as, yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, swimming, walking, and other low impact sports. Save the extreme exertion activities for the spring and summer months. In the sidebar to the right are a few easy pointers on how you can support and promote your own health this time of year.

Easy Pointers for Your Health

  1. Sleep. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise. Go to bed early and if possible, wake up after the sun appears in the morning. Extra sleep will also benefit you if feel as though you are coming down with something. If you do become ill, naps may help you recover faster.

  2. “D” it. Check your level of vit D.

  3. Surround yourself with friends and family. If you can gather around a fire, all the merrier.

  4. Water, water everywhere. Drink water. Every cell of your body requires this liquid gold to keep it lubricated and running smoothly.

  5. Avoid the consumption of ice cream and iced beverages. If possible, drink liquids at room temperature. Too many colds foods, especially during the colder months, can disrupt your digestion.

  6. Stress. Try to avoid it as much as possible. If you can’t, adopt habits that will enable you to de-stress, such as meditation, yoga, dance, reading, acupuncture, or painting.

  7. Exercise. You have heard it a thousand times, exercise, exercise, exercise. There is no substitute for the health-promoting benefits of this easy task. Get up to 20 minutes of heart pumping exercise daily.

  8. Take herbs that support the immune function. Astragalus, Osha root, Reishi and Shitake mushrooms are helpful. These have been used for thousands of years by acupuncturists to keep people healthy and strong.

  9. Come in for acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture works extremely well to help overcome fatigue and make feel you happy!

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